Puyallup Pest Control



Puyallup Pest Control

Imagine that it is 6 p.m. on a Friday night. You are having guests over for dinner and are making some last-minute preparations for them. The smell of a freshly made home cooked dinner floats through the air and the dining room table is set. Your entire family is dressed, ready, and on call. You hear a knock on the door, your guests have arrived. Just as you open the door and greet them, you see a rat run in between you and your guests. I want you to put yourself in this moment and imagine the feeling that you have. It is not a pleasant feeling.

All sorts of thoughts start running through your heads. For example, you might think, “Oh no, did I just make my guests uncomfortable?” “Does my house seem unclean now?” “Is that the only rat?” “What if there are more?” “Who do I call?” All of these questions can be answered with the answer to the last question. You should call Puyallup Pest Control.

​Pests are a common nuisance for any home or business owner. Whether it’s, rats, rodents, moles, bug, or insects, we all likely have some pest infestation on our property. This is why it is so important to make sure you stay on top of your pests. You need to get in contact with a professional 
pest control service that can deal with any situation and keep your home or business safe. Just search, ‘pest control near me’ and give us a call. Puyallup Pest control is trained and experienced in every aspect of this field. We are passionate about what we do and helping our neighbors. Get in contact with the best pest control service in Puyallup.

​Puyallup Pest Control has been in business for over 9 years. We truly take pride in what we do. Not only is it a satisfying job, but it is also a job that requires nothing less than the highest quality work. Every single member of our team has been trained by experienced experts. They have been tested on all of the essential knowledge and tools required to properly do this job. Puyallup Pest Control does not hire lazy people, or people who cut corners. Every single one of us is detail oriented and works with precision. We know all of the many types of creeks and cavities that pests can hide in. If we do not cover all of these areas, we can give you no guarantee of pest prevention. Because we are aware of the importance of paying attention, we do it well. We excel at finding the places that most people would never think to cover.

Pest Control Near Me

We are passionate about what we do because it involves improving the health, safety, and cleanliness for the city of Puyallup and all of the people in it. We are happy that we can serve our neighbors, no matter how it is done. What it really comes down to is this, we love people. People and relationships are the most meaningful aspect of life. Every customer (and human) deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. This is what we believe, and it is how we act. You are our number one priority, and we aim to give you the highest quality service in Puyallup. A service with high quality customer satisfaction that is customer satisfaction driven is just what we are. Puyallup Pest Control has all of the knowledge, experience, skills, and values need to ensure a positive pest control service experience. Get in contact with one of our experts today.

Residential Pest Control

If you are a homeowner, you do not need to be told that keeping your house safe, clean, and healthy should be the number one priority. It does not matter whether you have a large family, just a few pets or live by yourself. You still need to stay on top of all of these things in your home if you want to keep yourself and anyone that comes into your home safe and comfortable. We should all feel safe and comfortable when we are in our home. There are few things in this world that will makes more uncomfortable and put at a higher risk of health problems than pests. It could be rats, rodents, insects, bugs, moles, and many other pests that are invading your place of living. This should not be ignored and should definitely be taken care of.


Many types of pests are known to carry all types of diseases, bacteria, parasites, and many other nasty things we should keep away from our families and ourselves. They are also just eerie to be in the same room with. If you are eating dinner, cleaning up, watching tv, and you see a pest, it will instantly bring with it a sense of uncomfortableness that comes over you. We all want to avoid feelings this way. We also all want to avoid risking our health because some pests got into our home. There are a few things you should look out for to determine if you have a pest infestation problem or not. Look for any sorts of scratch or clawing marks in your home. Also be on the lookout for droppings and other unusual signs. If you start to notice any signs of pests in or around your home, get in contact with trained professionals. Call Puyallup Pest Control today for the highest quality pest control service in Puyallup.

Commercial Pest Control

Owning a business is a lot like owning a home in many ways. You both have property that you have to keep in best shape possible at all times. Homeowners have to do it for the well-being of their family, and business owners must do it for the safety, health, and comfortability of their employees and customers. The reason both types of people do this is because it is the right thing to do. It would be immoral to let you home or business skate by without properly sanitizing and cleaning it. If you do this, you are putting people that you care about at risk, and it should be taken seriously. Business owners have even more responsibilities than this though. They also have the legal aspects to worry about. If a customer or employee gets a disease at your place of business, it could cost you a lot of money. Aside from hiring a cleaning service, one of the best things you as a business owner can do to ensure the safety of your customers and employees is hiring a pest control service.


Whether we like or not, pests are in any and every building you see. Rats, rodents, mice, insects, bugs, moles, and many more types of pests are master of invading places of work and living. They are all masters are adapting to their environment and rapidly reproducing. They can quickly infiltrate your home without you noticing and densely populate your building. When this happens, any one in your building is at risk of catching disease, parasites, bacteria, germs, and other gross things that reside on the pests. Pests can quickly turn your place of business into a nightmare, both literally and legally. If you want to keep you, your employees, your customers, and your wallet safe, call Puyallup Pest Control today for a top-notch commercial pest control service.

Why Hire Us?

Puyallup Pest Control will provide the highest quality pest control service that you can find. Our team has been serving the community here in Puyallup for over 9 years. We are a company you can trust. Even after all of these years, we have to think very hard to remember any negative reviews we have gotten for our services. This is because our work is always of the highest quality, as well as our customer service. We take the time to get to know people, and we treat them with respect. We love meeting local members of our community. The reason we promise to provide such a high-quality pest control service is because we have been doing this a long time.

Our experience above all else, gives us the confidence to tell you that we are the best there is. Our team has encountered any and every single type of pest control situation that could be conceived. Not only have we encountered it, but we have happily taken care of it efficiently and with a quality-driven goal. On top of our experience, we are confident in our training. Before any one from our team can step foot into your home, they have to be thoroughly trained by an experienced senior pest control professional. Once they have been approved by the experts, they work alongside him for a period of time before becoming an expert themselves. Through our training, knowledge, and experience, we know that we will blow your expectations out of the water.


Serving in and around Puyallup

Our services include pest control, bug control, insect control, rat pest control, rodent control, rodent proofing, rodent removal, mole extermination, and more. Get in contact with Puyallup Pest Control today


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